2022 has been a tough year, not just for crypto but for the world in general. Since the very beginning, making a difference to people’s lives has been a core value for Cake Monster, and that’s why launching Cake Monster for Good earlier this year, was so important.

We have been working quietly behind the scenes to ‘give back’ where we can, in the ways that we can. It’s been a beautiful journey so far, with many stories to share but there is so much more that can be done. We are hopeful that the future will see us helping many more people, throughout the $MONSTA cycles, across the world.

CMFG is open to nominations and a few Monstas stepped forward to help some of their local communities in need.

Our very first donation went to feed over 100 people on the streets of Mumbai. This is no easy task! The meals had to be bought, prepped, cooked, packed and then taken and distributed to the community. None of this would be possible without the willing help & co-ordination of individuals within our community. Thank you!

The day was a huge success and the appreciation from those we helped, was tangible.

Check out the video of the event below

Our first venture gave us a lot of perspective though, feeding 100 people is an incredible feat and worthwhile cause… but we found ourselves asking — what then? What happens to those 100 people for the other 364 days of the year? What happens to them in a world where food is becoming scarcer, climates are changing and people (of all walks of life) are struggling.

So with that in mind, CMFG began looking at other ways to help feed the hungry, with more sustainable and longer reaching effects — something that would feed those 100 people for more than a day. This is not something we can accomplish on our own, with limited resources that the charity has at its disposal.

What made sense, was to create a network of individuals who are working within their communities, with the same goal as ours in mind — food and safe shelter for those in need, as well as educate them on how to feed themselves through the future. Empowerment through education. We are also aware that our donations are but a drop in the ocean for the people we are working with, so we decided the best way to help them long term, was to give them a platform to tell their story.

We are very grateful of the people we have met, helped and shared with so far, and we are very proud of our community for the generosity and kindness they have demonstrated time and time again. We are excited for the future and hopeful that as Monsta grows stronger, so too will our reach and impact. In the meantime we are continuously working in our small way with the intent of making big change.

If you would like to donate to CMFG and help us do more good in the world, you can send BNB, or BUSD to our Cake Monster for Good multi-sig Gnosis Safe address below:


About Cake Monster

Cake Monster is a unique and elastic DeFi protocol that works in deflationary two-year cycles on BNB Chain. The intrinsic token (MONSTA) value is backed by its non-correlated asset vault reserves (e.g BNB, CAKE), which are largely used to reward holders at the end of each cycle. More info: Community | Documentation | Whitepaper

Monsta corp

Where innovation meets community
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